Genetics & Possibilities
We need to #OvarcomeTheGAP
“I serve on Ovarcome’s Leadership Council to help spread awareness of a disease everyone has heard of but most everyone knows absolutely nothing about. And because Ovarcome provides so much to Survivors and Caregivers. It would be incredibly difficult to navigate an OC diagnosis without the access to information, latest developments from doctors themselves, and without a real group that has such an enormous presence in the community.”
Our beloved Survivors Leadership Council Member and true friend and OVARCOMER Rachel, passed away at 46. Rachel tested positive for BRCA1. “We always thought my grandmother had stomach cancer, but when I got her death certificate it said metastatic ovarian cancer. I knew all about BRCA and Angelina Jolie, I just didn’t know I had a family history therefore never got tested because I thought it didn’t apply to me.”
With her inspiration, we are pleased to announce our Genetics And Possibilities Program to raise awareness on Genetic Testing, to empower and educate our Ovarcomers and family members, and to provide free Genetic Counseling by a Licensed Genetics Counselor to all our OvarCare recipients nationwide, as applicable.
Why is Genetic Testing important?
Our Board Member Dr. Aparna Kamat explains.
Why is Genetic Counseling important?
Our Genetics Counselor, Cathy Sullivan explains.
Why You Should Get Genetic Testing & Counseling? Ovarcomer, Debbie Bisbano explains.
Global Genetics Program:
Our Global Genetics Program is aimed to provide HBOC literacy, and access to genetic counseling/testing for ovarian cancer patients and families. Launched in partnership with our India counterparts in 2021, the NuGena project aims to provide Genetic Counseling to 2000 women and Genetic Testing to 1500 Women in 3 years, in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh.

How Can You #OvarcomeTheGAP?
Ask About Genetic Testing & Counseling and share information
Talk to people who have had Genetic Testing
Speak with an Expert to gather knowledge and information on Genetics
Understand insurance coverage, identify credible sources of testing and ascertain testing results are interpreted appropriately by an expert
Learn & share the knowledge that 100% of women with Ovarian Cancer should have Genetic Testing. Currently less than 35% women with ovarian cancer receive Genetic Testing
Cost & Coverage: #OvarcomeTheGAP
Most insurance plans cover genetic testing for women with ovarian cancer partially or completely. Due to difference in co-pays and deductibles, individual out of pocket costs may vary. For individuals that need financial assistance, many laboratories offer low-cost Genetic Testing. We recommend you review the details of your insurance plan with a Genetic Counselor to gain a better understanding of associated costs.
If you are uninsured, you may be eligible for free testing at certain laboratories.
Contact us with questions on Genetic Testing & Counseling. We Are Here For You.

If you’d like to help us #OvarcomeThe GAP by sponsoring this program,
Please reach us at info@ovarcome.org