Talk About Ovarian Cancer.

Let’s talk. September 23 is Global Teal Talk Day, founded by Ovarcome. Over 300,000 women are diagnosed annually with ovarian cancer, worldwide. Gather your friends, wear teal for a day out together and talk. Wearing teal is not enough. Talk About Ovarian Cancer.
Ideas to Raise Awareness on Teal Talk Day:
- Organize, gather, and join a group of co-workers for lunch to talk about ovarian cancer. There is no reliable standard screening for ovarian cancer, yet. In absence of a test, awareness is best. In the hour it might take to have the Teal Talk during lunch or coffee, 28+ women would have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
- Invite your friends, neighbors, family and connections sisters for drinks in the back yard. Wear your favorite teal and give the Teal Talk. Let them know early detection of ovarian cancer improves survival rates by 90%. Make sure they know the B.E.A.C.H. symptoms:
B = Bloating
E = Early Satiety or feeling full quickly
A = Abdominal and/or Pelvic Pain
C = Changes in Bowel/Bladder Habits
H = Heightened Fatigue - Go for a walk with your mom and her friends. Or with your children of appropriate age, and their friends. Even if it’s a short one it will be long enough for a Teal Talk. Ask them about family history and encourage them to learn and to share information. Encourage them to see their gynecologist to review family history for inherited risk factors. Families with a strong history of ovarian or breast cancer have a 15-40% lifetime risk when compared to the general population, according to the National Cancer Institute.
- Talk to your Primary Care or OB-GYN on Teal Talk Day. Distribute our B.E.A.C.H. Symptom cards at their offices – have them showcased at check outs or in the waiting rooms.
- Use the power of social media to share the B.E.A.C.H. Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer with your local, national, and global friends and family.
- Observe Teal Talk Day on September 23 with a ceremonial proclamation at your Mayor’s office – ask us to provide proclamation language at
- Request your local restaurants, coffee shops, retail stores, religious centers, academic institutions, and companies to distribute the B.E.A.C.H. symptom cards on Teal Talk Day
- Reach out to our local news media and tv channels to run an awareness campaign on Teal Talk Day by sharing the B.E.A.C.H. Symptoms
- Create your own fabulous idea to share the B.E.A.C.H. Symptoms to raise awareness on ovarian cancer and to advocate for early detection
- Fundraise for Ovarcome by hosting your own awareness event
Have the Teal Talk with the people in your lives. Use hashtag #TealTalkDay to share on social media. Download our materials for distribution, share digital copies on your social media, and ask us to ship you B.E.A.C.H. cards!
It’s simple to get started. Ovarcome Founder Runsi Ayona Sen & Celebrated Olympic Gymnast and Ovarcomer Shannon Miller share some encouragement to get started on #TealTalkDay in this short video. Watch.
Celebrate Global Teal Talk Day in honor of all women diagnosed with ovarian cancer, worldwide. Ovarcome encourages you to talk about ovarian cancer especially on September 23, but also every day. Every day is a good day to talk about ovarian cancer. Follow us on FB, Twitter, and Instagram for information, education, updates, and Teal celebrations! Together, we can Ovarcome!
Ovarcome founded Global Teal Talk Day to raise awareness on ovarian cancer and to encourage everyone to talk about it. With no screening currently available, we want you to be on top of symptoms – be empowered. You can help save a life! Ovarian cancer is Silent – but we don’t have to be. Let’s be VOCAL! In the absence of a screening test, knowledge and awareness are the best ways to empower women and families. Global Teal Talk Day brings that knowledge and awareness to you.
It’s YOUR turn to Talk About Ovarian Cancer. BE THE VOICE. Together, we can Ovarcome!
DOWNLOAD OUR GRAPHICS: Share using hashtag #TealTalkDay

Global celebrations of Teal Talk Day: