One Day At A Time In The Journey To Ovarcome
Amanda Day is a bright and beautiful 33 year old – she got diagnosed with stage IC ovarian cancer in December of 2018. Amanda experienced pain and stomach distention, but as a young woman she immediately attributed the symptoms to being pregnant. However, when her tests came back negative and her pain lingered, Amanda took notice.
One day as she was laying in bed, Amanda experienced excruciating pain in her abdomen – the pain was so unbearable that she passed out twice in her boyfriend’s arms. When they rushed to the ER, tests revealed a mass the size of a basketball. She had to undergo emergency surgery. Amanda is now in active treatment for her disease and is hopeful to Ovarcome.
Amanda’s boyfriend has stood by her like a rock through this journey. Her Dad is also very supportive. As a young woman, Amanda was concerned about her fertility and childbearing possibilities. She didn’t have an opportunity to freeze her eggs. However, she is looking forward to trying to get pregnant when the timing is right.
Getting diagnosed with ovarian cancer at a young age like Amanda’s, brings associated social, emotional, and financial challenges with it. Amanda shared with Ovarcome that she has amazing friends that rally around her and provide her with much love, support, and encouragement as she goes through this journey. We were happy to be able to support Amanda with our OvarCare package in her time of need.
Amanda’s message to all OVARCOMERS:
Don’t think about it! Try to stay positive and take one day at a time. For me, losing my long hair was the hardest part of the cancer diagnosis – I shaved it before it could all fall off. Look up to a brighter tomorrow – we WILL Ovarcome!
We wish Amanda the very best as she looks forward to her life after treatment! Please join us in sending her our best wishes and love. Together, We Can OVARCOME!