Ashley Dedmon, resplendent in our #OvarShine jewelry, shares her journey to Ovarcome!
“Ashley means Ash from a willow tree. I am known for my caring personality and love for others.”
Q: You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
A: I would be purple. Purple is the color of Royalty and of women of noble character
Q: What inspires your inner sparkle?
A: My mother and my daughter the two of them ( have never met) truly complete me! They both have helped me discover my purpose and ignited my inner shine and sparkle.
Q: Tell us about a significant challenge you have Ovarcome? Share your 2 words of wisdom!
A: In 2003, my mother was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic breast cancer and unfortunately lost her four-year battle at the young of age 52. Shortly after my mother’s battle with cancer, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 53. He elected to have his prostate removed and is currently doing well and is one of my greatest supporters. I knew that the odds were against me as I was born into three generations of women affected by breast cancer. After dealing with my mother’s battle and witnessing my father deal with prostate cancer, naturally, I believed I was next. It was then that I took immediate action. My OB/GYN suggested genetic counseling and screening for the BRCA genetic mutation. At the age of 22, my Myriad BRCA Analysis revealed, I was BRCA 2 positive. I began working with a high-risk oncologist as my life began to revolve around ultrasounds and other screenings. After a ten-year journey of surveillance, my husband and I decided that we needed a new plan of action. In December 2016, I underwent a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy and reconstruction the following March.
The physical journey for me was not bad, but the recovery took time. My mind would tell me I could GO, GO, GO, but my body said NO, NO, NO! I had to learn to listen to my body and my doctors, so I could recover safely and properly. I attribute my quick recovery to living an active and healthy lifestyle. One of my fears was that my husband would not look at my body the same, but he shows me every day he loves my body. There were moments I cried and still cry, as I think about not being able to breastfeed again. I was fortunate to be able to breastfeed my daughter, and I am glad to have shared that experience with her. I also struggle with the appearance of my scars, but my husband has shown me to embrace them. I could not have made it through this process without him. I have learned to embrace my scars, because they tell my story…and that is, I have been “gracefully broken” and rebuilt with strength.
I was not ready for the emotional journey. There were moments I felt less than a woman, because I felt my breast defined me. I learned to remind myself that my mind, character, and strength, define my womanhood just as much as anything else. On this journey, I have encountered many obstacles and challenges, but along the way, I have discovered my strength and purpose, and I have OVARCOME!
Ashley, Keep Sparkling!