Give A Gift
Our work wouldn’t be possible without your generous support. Your support helps us educate and empower women worldwide in our mission to raise awareness on ovarian cancer. Your support also helps us fund critical research and provide financial, psycho-social and informational support to women diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Thank you for joining us in our mission. Your donation is 100% tax deductible.
Your contribution is sincerely appreciated. Thank you for joining us in Ovarcoming Cancer : Celebrating Life!
Fundraise for Ovarcome:
You can make a direct impact in the lives of our Ovarcomers by creating and starting your Fundraiser online via Facebook, Instagram or other online platforms, hosting your own event, giving a gift on your birthday, or fundraising in honor or in memory of someone you love.
These are simple ways with profound impact. Thank you for making a difference.

Choose Your Program For Donation

OvarCare: Financial, Psycho-Social, and informational Assistance Program
You can help an ovarian cancer patient and an Ovarcomer in need by contributing towards the OvarCare program. We welcome you to make the donation in memory of, or in honor of someone you love.
Total cost to sponsor one OvarCare package is $500. You can choose to sponsor one or as many ovarian cancer patients as you would like to support. You can also choose to co-sponsor with friends.
International Chemotherapy Patient Support Program
Today, you can help save a woman’s life. As a donor you will provide critical assistance to an underprivileged ovarian cancer patient in India. Ovarian cancer, when detected early, has a high survival rate. Lack of awareness, irregular well woman visits, and sometimes not being able to afford periodic examinations are some of the main reasons for late detection, especially in developing countries. Ovarian cancer is the third most common cancer among women in India followed by cancers of the uterine, cervix, and the breast.

National & Global Awareness & Support Programs:
Support our awareness initiatives, our educational outreach programs, conferences, survivorship empowerment series events, informational programs, and support programs by making a donation today. Your donation will make a measurable impact in educating and empowering our Ovarcomers and families, nationally and worldwide.
Research Funding:
Research will ultimately cure cancer. Donate towards our research funding initiatives, in support of Young Investigators engaged in breakthrough research to find an early detection for ovarian cancer, as well as new and novel therapies for ovarian cancer patients. Make a donation supporting hope for the future of ovarian cancer.

Shop & Support
Link your Amazon account to Ovarcome. For each purchase you make on smile.amazon.com, Ovarcome receives 0.5%. It’s an easy way to give back while you shop. Support our Ovarcomers by choosing Ovarcome as your Charity of Choice.
Match Your Donations:
Host a Corporate fundraising campaign in support of Ovarcome and get your donations matched by your employer! Please check with your HR department if your company has a matching policy. Other ways you could support Ovarcome is via automatic payroll deductions. Contact your HR department to add an ongoing donation to Ovarcome through your payroll.