Meet Phyllis, our OVARCOMER Extraordinaire! Phyllis was diagnosed in 2020, and is currently in remission (hurray!). Phyllis is an active Ovarcomer, passionate about Ovarian Cancer awareness. She has joined TEAM OVARCOME to show the world she Cares A Latte about Ovarian Cancer Awareness. She is distributing our B.E.A.C.H. Symptom cards to get the word out on ovarian cancer, and to make every woman and families aware. Thank you Phyllis!
This is her inspiring story of OVARCOMING.
Q: Please tell us about your ovarian cancer diagnosis?
A: After going through surgery on January 16, 2020, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 ovarian cancer. I had a series of six chemotherapy treatments. My last chemotherapy was in June 2020. I continue to do CA-125 testing every 3 months and visit my gynecological oncologist every 3 months. At present, I am in complete remission.
Q: What were the symptoms experienced before getting diagnosed with ovarian cancer?
A: During my routine women’s wellness in December 2019, my GYN discovered a mass. I experienced no symptoms.
Q: What message of hope would you like to share with a fellow Ovarcomer?
A: Hearing the words, “You have cancer,” can be heartbreaking. It was for me. My words of hope to fellow Ovarcomers is to “advocate for yourself”. Pay attention to your body, don’t be afraid to ask for help and to depend on others when needed. Be grateful and live every day with gusto! Love and laugh often.

My husband and I just celebrated our 52nd wedding anniversary! In May we watched our daughter graduate with a Doctor of Philosophy degree. Back in January of 2020, I was fearful that I would not see either of these events. Never give up hope, it is out there for all of us!
Q: Why should we Talk About Ovarian Cancer? How do you plan to share the B.E.A.C.H. symptoms?
Ovarian cancer was really never on my radar. I was a healthy woman living the retirement life. I want to make sure that women, young and old, know the symptoms of ovarian cancer and know to immediately seek medical attention if they experience any of the symptoms. To tell them not to wait to seek that help. When I was diagnosed, I had no idea where to turn, I was fortunate to have a wonderful family physician who helped me get to the best gynecologic oncologist in my area. I want other women to be aware of the process to get the best medical attention possible and to know the resources that are available for them.
At present, I tell every woman I come across to never miss their wellness exam. To me, that routine exam saved my life. I also verbally share the B.E.A.C.H. symptoms of ovarian cancer and I share my own experience.
Thank You Phyllis for sharing your light! THIS is how We Ovarcome Together! 💙
September is ovarian cancer awareness month. Talk About Ovarian Cancer. Give this “Silent Disease” your STRONG VOICE! Together We Ovarcome!
If you’d like to share your story, please reach us at – we would love to feature you!